Another Snow Day!

Is anyone tired of snow days yet? Many of us are. This must be our fifth one; I’ve kind of lost track. Right now I’m sitting at my computer looking out the window and the crazily driving snow. It is blowing wickedly, so strong and mighty.

I love it and, I must admit: I never get tired of snow days. Of course, my experience as a teacher is different than other working people. This morning when I got the call that we’d have a two-hour late start, I turned over and went back to sleep. If I was a doctor, a nurse, a receptionist, a store clerk, I’d probably have to get up earlier and shovel my driveway and give myself more time to get to work safely and on time. At about 8:00 a.m., while walking on the treadmill, I got another phone call that said no school. So, here I am staying warm and cozy, watching the snow blow, baking and cooking, and not thinking at all about making up all those days in June. 🙂