13 Virtues of A Good Teacher

I love teaching. I make mistakes every day, but I pray for and strive to have these virtues of a good teacher. A good teacher is…

  1. Humble
  2. A Lifetime Learner
  3. Kind
  4. Respectful
  5. Intelligent
  6. Knowledgeable
  7. Patient
  8. A Communicator
  9. Passionate
  10. A Professional
  11. Fun-Loving
  12. Principled
  13. Unruffled

Some virtues gathered more than 300 years ago are still important today…

12 Virtues of a Good Teacher

By John Baptist de La Salle, 1706 and written about by Brother Agathon, 1785

Virtue 1 Gravity

Virtue 2 Silence

Virtue 3 Humility

Virtue 4 Prudence

Virtue 5 Wisdom

Virtue 6 Patience

Virtue 7 Reserve

Virtue 8 Gentleness

Virtue 9 Zeal

Virtue 10 Vigilance

Virtue 11 Piety

Virtue 12 Generosity

More 13 Virtues – Reflections of a High School Math Teacher
