Another Snow Day!

Is anyone tired of snow days yet? Many of us are. This must be our fifth one; I’ve kind of lost track. Right now I’m sitting at my computer looking out the window and the crazily driving snow. It is blowing wickedly, so strong and mighty.

I love it and, I must admit: I never get tired of snow days. Of course, my experience as a teacher is different than other working people. This morning when I got the call that we’d have a two-hour late start, I turned over and went back to sleep. If I was a doctor, a nurse, a receptionist, a store clerk, I’d probably have to get up earlier and shovel my driveway and give myself more time to get to work safely and on time. At about 8:00 a.m., while walking on the treadmill, I got another phone call that said no school. So, here I am staying warm and cozy, watching the snow blow, baking and cooking, and not thinking at all about making up all those days in June. 🙂


Well, I had a nice Christmas break. It passed too quickly, and now school will start again tomorrow. We were going to go to Chicago for the break, but the blizzard and a case of strep throat kept us from going.  Instead we went to Omaha because it was closer and we had just two days left. We ate at two favorite restaurants–Chipotle’s and P.F. Chang’s. We shopped and watched Sherlock Holmes. What a crazy movie! Sherlock Holmes–greatest detective of all time turned super strength fighter. He was much more cerebral in book form, as a friend of mine described him. Changed up a little to appeal to the 21st century viewer, I guess. It was pretty good, though. Did anyone else see Sherlock Holmes over break?  Here’s a trivia question: What was Holmes’ address?