Share Your World – 2015 Week 13

A new week, and a new Share Your World post.

What was your favorite subject in school?

Geography has always been a favorite subject in elementary school through college. In fact, I majored in it at a California State University.


“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away” (George Carlin). When have you had such a moment?

I had breathtaking moments when I gave birth to my two daughters and saw them for the first time. I also had one just this morning–breathtaking in a different sort of way–when I stepped out from a blind alley and nearly got run over by a car that was going too fast.

On another note, from a quote snob, George Carlin probably didn’t say this. (It doesn’t sound like him; that’s why I checked into it.) You can read more about who might have said it first at one of my favorite sights for investigating misattributed quotes–Quote Investigator. Most likely person:

“Remember that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away! Dancing can do that for you!”

From Tahitian Choreographies by Vicki Corona in 1989.

What’s your choice: jigsaw, crossword, or numeric puzzles?

Alone I would choose crossword puzzles. I like them when they are the perfect challenge for me. Not too easy. But not impossibly difficult either. I also like when the answers are in the back of the magazine, so I can take a peek every once in a while when I get stuck.

Jigsaw puzzles, though, I love to do with others. Even easy ones with children. I love to watch them have “A-ha” moments.

Jigsaw Puzzler

If you found an obviously abandoned car with $50,000 in the back seat, what would you do?

How would one know it was abandoned? I’m not sure how it would be obvious to me. The VIN numbers would have to be drilled out or ground off. (My husband said there are seven numbers in various places.) The license plates would have to be taken off. Would there be any other way of identifying the owner? (I’m reading the questions too literally today!) I’m sure I would just call the police and let them deal with the car, the owner, and the money.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for days off to catch my breath. I don’t always want to have my breath taken away! I’m looking forward to getting back to my kindergarteners.

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